Get in contact with Tom

c o n t a c t { a t } t o m h a u v i l l e { d o t } c o m

For the time being, the contact form that did live here has been removed. It will make a comeback soon. Meanwhile, your best bet is to use the social media links on the right to track Tom down. Should you do so, quote the term "slagathor" and Tom will convey to you how impressed he is, and may perhaps purchase for you a drink.

Why is the contact form gone?

Sadly, the internet has many a bot that can use these forms in ways not intended by the webmaster. So until an additional layer of security can be added, it is necessary to keep it removed from this page.

Ordinarily, were you to use the form (now removed) to get in touch, you would have received an automated reply email to indicate that your message has been received and everything is working correctly.

Tom reads every email he receives (except for junk, of course), and you would then receive a reply just as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that this could take a little while if Tom is busy on a project.